Bearded Dragon Nutrition, Diets, Health, and Supplements


Kelp is one of the richest sources of iodine available to reptiles, and is available in supplement form.

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bearded dragon diet guide and nutrition chart

The Bearded Dragon Cookbook is Now on Kindle!

Welcome! I can only assume you found this website because you checked out The Bearded Dragon Cookbook on Amazon — and for that I thank you.

Many, many hours of research went into the book, and I only hope the information within helps you as much as it’s helped me and my lizards.

A few weeks before the book launched, I realized that a book on beardie nutrition would never actually be finished. There were still so many nutrition facts to gather, so much research to comb through, and so many experts I still wanted to talk to. With that in mind, I decided to launch this website. My goal was to get this up and running within a month of launching the book, but since I already had a few additional charts and notes I wanted to post, I sped the timeline along.

This is just a brief intro, of course. Right now, I’m already working on three blog posts that will follow shortly after the book actually goes live (which, I’m guessing, is a matter of past tense at this point). I hope you find the book and this site informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Slainte and happy beardie keeping!

bearded dragon diet guide and nutrition chart
Does this little guy look skinny to you? He’s actually in the dead center of the target weight for his length and age! Beardie obesity is a topic we cover in depth in the book…and it’s extremely common among captive dragons.



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